November 17, 2021
Track Your Income Streams

I always find it insightful to have an up to date list of the income streams that are available to me.

In my case, this is how it would approximately look like

  1. Full time income from professional work
  2. Freelance income from audio related gigs
  3. Passive Income through Dividends on Stocks & Rental Yields on Real Estate

Revenue streams available may differ from person to person; however, the importance in maintaining such a list is to have a better visualisation of where your income is originated, understanding what percentage each revenue stream makes to your entire monthly earnings, and the frequency of each revenue stream.

Having a visual understanding of this data will allow you to realise where you should focus your energy, and to understand if there is any course of action to be taken to improve each stream.

I am a huge advocate of focusing on things that work for you, whilst also focusing on making the best of your savings through several passive investment options available to you (more on this later).

Overall, the earlier we start being accountable to both our revenues and expenses, the better we will pave the way to a life of early retirement and comfort.

I hope you take something out of this, and if you feel like you're just stepping into the world of building your wealth, and not too sure where to look, I'd love to have a chat with you.

November 4, 2021
Find Your Ikigai

Ikigai (生き甲斐, 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept referring to something that gives a person a sense of purpose, a reason for living.

everyone has an ikigai – their particular intersection of passion, talent, and potential to benefit others. It is only a matter of finding it. The journey to ikigai might require time, deep self-reflection, and effort, but it is one we can all make.

the concept of ikigai as a purpose in life is captured by the well-known ikigai diagram, covering

• what you love
• what you are good at
• what the world needs
• what you can get paid for

you love it - anything we do or experience that brings us the most joy in life and makes use feel most alive and fulfilled. what we love in this sense might be sailing, writing poetry, rock climbing, singing in a rock band, reading historical novels, spending leisure time with friends etc. What is important is that we allow ourselves to think deeply about what we love, without any concern for whether we are good at it, whether the world needs it, or if we can get paid for doing it.

you are great at it - anything you are particularly good at, such as skills you've learned, hobbies you've pursued, talents you've shown since early age, etc. what you are good at might be for example, playing the piano, being empathetic, public speaking, sports and painting portraits. This encompasses talents or capabilities whether or not you are passionate about them, whether the world needs them or if you can get paid for them.

the world needs it - "the world" here might be humanity as a whole, a small community you are in touch with or anything in between., what the world needs might be based on impressions or needs expressed by others. the worlds needs might include skilled nursing, clean water, home heating, election day volunteers, or improved police training, this domain of ikigai connects most explicitly with other people and doing good for them beyond owns own needs.

you are paid for it- refers to the world or society at large, in that it involves what someone else is willing to pay you for or "what the market will bear." you might be passionate about writing poetry or very good at rock climbing, but this does not necessarily mean you can get paid for it. whether you can get paid for your passions or talents depends on factors such as the state of the economy, whether your passions/talents are in demand etc.

whether the ikigai concept is traditional or not, filling it in is arguably a useful task. and whether or not the center of such a diagram would represent your personal “sweet spot” as a lifestyle, it should still be useful to determine what “sweet spot” you might find that combines the basic dimensions of “i am passionate about this; it makes me happy” and “this would allow me to do good for others, as well.”

Have you found your ikagai?

November 2, 2021
Tools I Use To Boost My Productivity

if you know me well, you would know that I tend to get involved in multiple things, whether it be projects, hobbies and businesses that I'm passionate about.

along this journey, a question that keeps coming up is how I can keep my sanity, and go on with life headstrong despite the challenges. My answer to that is simply, having your own system.

With this thread, I hope to give you an inner look on a few tools I use on a daily basis to make my workflow that much more bearable. of course, it may differ from person to person, but it's all about going through trial and error and finding what works for you.

At the end of the day, I can assure you, it's all going to be worth it!

  1. todoist (task management)
Have a lot of things to get done, but not enough time in the world? I've been there! Todoist is a simple-yet-powerful to do list app that comes in handy wherever you go. You have the option of labelling your tasks under any category; work, personal, guilty pleasures (nobody is judging or, are we?). You are given the option of prioritising the importance of each task so you know where your resources are needed the most. Best part? It's completely FREE!

  1. notion (mind mapping)
Have a new business idea? Want to keep a track of your hobbies? Want your own personal diary? Notion is a versatile tool that enables you to keep track of everything you do. I wouldn't be a exaggerating if I said notion IS a documentation of my entire life in an app. Oh, and yes you guessed it; this is a free download as well.

For the most part, having those two apps alone will be a life changer if you have been looking for ways at better managing your work load. But why stop there, right?..

  1. zoho one (business management
Aptly named as the operating system for business, Zoho one provides an integrated system to run your whole business in one platform! Zoho one has multiple modules ranging from inventory management, book keeping, customer relationship management, recruitment and analytics (a few of their 50+ apps listed). Zoho One is an absolute game changer and would recommend it to any entrepreneur looking to streamline their operations (and future proof their organisation along the way). There is currently a subscription charge of approximately $45 per month (per user), if that fits in your budget, I'd definitely recommend it!
  1. asana (project management)
Given the current COVID-19 pandemic, the need to REMOTELY collaborate with your team members has never been more important. Asana is a tool that enables you work on projects with your team members (even if they across the world). You get to assign tasks, mark its' importance, use kanban boards that feel visually pleasing to work with! Oh and this is free too (more freebies, yay)
  1. canva (designing)

Want to get visually pleasing presentations done? Make a quick poster for your product? Canva is your friend; I tend to get a lot of critique that Canva will never be a substitute to your good oP Adobe Photoshop, but the truth of the matter is that not everyone has the time to spend countless hours designing elements from scratch, and not forgetting to mention the learning curve behind picking up photoshop as a skill. If you're an entrepreneur needing a designing tool at your fingertips, canva is the way to go. Afterall, this entire carousel was made with it.

a few honorary mentions

  • WordPress or Webflow (Website Development)
  • SideKick (Web Browser for PC/Mac)
  • (Freelancer Market for Services)
  • Duolingo (Language Learning App)
  • Scribd (App for Books & Audio Books)
  • Centr (Workouts 8 Meditation)

Got any value from this thread?

Using some of these apps as a daily driver already?

Comment on your thoughts! Would love your feedback.



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